LIving a life like no one else…

I am so thankful for the opportunity to put my thoughts and feelings out into the world where potentially ANYONE in the world could read it. And with that thought, I sit here finding myself wanting to share with the world, my life. 

I’m not going to bore you with my whole life story, like where I was born or when my parents divorced… No, that’s been done. Instead I want to share with you one very big, and very prominent part of my life. I’m a geek. And, yes, the word geek these days is thrown around a lot, and I think it’s lost it’s meaning. But I assure you, I am a GEEK. Books, shows, movies, comics, music… All of it, it’s my world. And I am also a Christian, which believe me, is a bigger deal than I will make it out to be in this blog. But the reason I bring it up is because for this next part, it’s vital you know that. 

I have been a geek longer than I have been a Christian, and don’t get me wrong, becoming a Christian was the single greatest decision I will ever make, and although I stumble a lot, don’t read my Bible enough and go through things, I love God with all my heart and soul. But I need to ” make myself abundantly clear” – some of my best friends are fictional characters, I get to travel the world and the galaxies without leaving my room, I get to feel the heartbreak of a singer’s words, and rejoice with them when they find love; I have the most spectacular opportunity to live my life in an extraordinary manner. Someone commented recently, that I shouldn’t read/watch/listen to what I was because it isn’t the Bible or God centred, and I will give them a point, as some of the things I watch, are not what you call “God centred” — but I cannot count the amount of times as a young girl where my books would block out the yelling and the fights, the belittling and the insecurity I felt in real life; or the music that drowned out my tears and sang to me, to not give up. And, I didn’t know it then, but God was with me then, when I escaped to those places, with those characters, I would feel safe, and secure. And as much as I watch, and escape into science fiction, fiction and other genres, I am not affected by it, I am safe in it. 

And so my life is different from yours, and that person that told me to stop reading. They don’t know how many books I have read that have not only taught me how to live, but have saved my life too. I read books because they teach me wiser lessons than the adults around me, they give me strength when they are strong, when they are weak, you understand humanity.. When I watch shows or movies, I am transported into that world, but also crave knowing the illustrators of these worlds, relate to them, hear their heart for their precious world, and find encouragement in their love for these people and things that made them safe and secure.

My music range is quite sparse – My favourite bands are The Script, Fall Out Boy and Backstreet Boys. I listen to Classical Music, Rhythm and Blues, Jazz, Classic Rock, Indie. I play the Harmonica and think I can sing (but am often contradicted on that last statement).

It’s really hard to explain into words the life I live and how the things I ‘obsess’ over are the very things that give me joy, make me passionate for life, and encounter the same people as me, who feel the exact same way I do. 

So my point of this… We all lead different lives, but never underestimate the power of a person when they encounter their souls delights, no matter what they may be.



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Delirium PandemoniumRequiem




I want to talk about a book trilogy that I recently finished, but I don’t really want to talk about the last two books, and only the first one… Why? Because I am a conflicted reader… I got so bored with the last two books that I honestly skimmed the last one completely (I know grab the pitchforks and torches). But honestly, I couldn’t bring myself to like the last two because I just couldn’t emulate the same love for Delirium again, that book, in my opinion was a masterpiece. So I want to talk about Delirium, the first book of the trilogy then go into why I wasn’t a huge fan of the other two… 

So my main love, Delirium, what a book! I picked it up casually from my local bookshop, and thought, what the hell? So I took it home and read it in like 4 hours, I could not put it down! Here are my 5 favourite parts of Delirium:

1. The concept of the story is really clever! I mean you have these stories of dystopian societies like The Hunger Games and Divergent, and you think, “Great! Another recycled story…” But Delirium isn’t like that at all. It’s a dystopian society, yes in a way. But these people live in a seemingly ordinary world to ours, only the governing system chemically eradicates the emotion of love, as they believe it to be ‘Delirium’ – a disease. And as sick and twisted as it may be to change someone’s entire life and rule their world, stripping them of free thinking, and personal inhibitions, you can also kind of see where they would be coming from. There’s an odd sense of peace in it. So it makes sense to you and you don’t have to read four chapters on the explanation of the society built.

2. Lena wants the procedure and is completely opposite to stereotypical heroins. I mean she isn’t a rebel from the beginning, someone who believes in love or freedom. Lauren Oliver sets this up perfectly, I mean it sounds odd to us but she has never read poetry, never uttered the word love and has never listened to music, felt love or experienced any other life, other than the one surrounding her, telling her that love is a disease, a Delirium. That to me, is so cool, because when Alex comes in to the mix, she is SO resistant of him for so long, and it’s refreshing to see a character change so much. The book was basically Lena slowly falling in love with Alex which is just the best because other books I read (and love regardless) have a magical “fall in love” period of about four days, and although you go along with it, it’s still not realistic enough. But Lena struggles with it, she has two conflicting decisions constantly plaguing her.

3. Alex is a hot damn, sexy, dream boat! It really is a solid point for me, I mean what YA novel doesn’t include a sexy, sensitive dream machine that, if he was to ever exist in real life, would never go for me in a million years? It’s the appeal of booklovers, our fantasy men are way better than the ones that would ever come into our REAL life… (Just being honest!) 

4. Their love was subtle in an obvious kind of way… This may not make sense but like I said, it took a lot of work on Alex’s end to convince her of her feelings for him, I mean he stalked her a little bit, always ‘bumped’ into her, and even rescued her from a dog bite at a party… And all that time, Alex knew what he felt, Lena was slowly figuring it out… And when their love blossomed and Lena knew, SHE KNEW. It was really beautiful because she just, one day knew. Her world had opened up and she then realised that her life was not what she thought it was… 


5. Alex’s Death… It seems strange that I’m listing this as one of my favourite parts, and it wasn’t for the majority. It was so freaking sad, and emotional, and when she looked back and saw him with his shirt stained red and just lying there… GAH! My heart split in two, LITERALLY. But, it was very beautiful, the way he promised he was right behind her, and their poetic, Romeo and Juliet love that was going on, and then the tragedy of him dying for Lena would have been horrible. But you didn’t expect it and you kind of appreciated it… It wasn’t predictable YA, and it was like, now Lena’s survival was so imperative, she now had to survive for Alex as well…


Now I am not hating on the other two books, Pandemonium was actually really good, for the most part, and the way the last one ended was fine too, but the one thing that I cringed the most at in Requiem was, you guessed it! The stupid love triangle. I was so proud of Delirium for having the heroin lose, but still keep running, she lost her first love, the one that introduced her, for the first time ever, to what love meant – it had a certain girl power to it, like she can keep on fighting without a guy to save her… But then she gets kidnapped with Julian for like a week, and then she’s over Alex and wanting Julian, but the feeling guilty for wanting Julian, then Julian is sentenced to death so she saves him then makes the decision to pursue Julian in the end then Alex comes back… WHAT THE?! Really! This is where Requiem lost me… I was excited about the rebellion that was going, and you saw that, but what happened to the strong Wilds Lena, that was strong and fierce even though her heart was still breaking? It had only been six months since she lost Alex and she spends one week in a cell with a preppy, pansycake (yes I am a Divergent fan also) and she’s over Alex and falling for another. I DON’T BUY IT. So that’s my main peeve with the series, other than that, it was a decent story, but nothing will come close to Delirium for me in this series… 








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I Am Pilgrim



It has taken me some time to find the words to review this book… And I find myself still speechless!

Terry Hayes’ first book about a top secret agent sent to hunt down and stop the biggest terrorist threat to hit the world, ever. A smallpox epidemic threatens America and only Pilgrim can stop the Saracen, but how? He is a ghost, who cannot be tracked anywhere. This 900 page mega book is not hard to read, I found myself turning the pages quickly and effortlessly. For me, that is a huge positive when reading, my favourite kind of book is one where I can glide through the words but still be captivated by them, I hate books that make me do all the legwork by having ridiculous names, bizarre plot twists and over complicated words; if it’s a tree, call it a freaking tree! *end rant…
The book is narrated through the eyes of Pilgrim in first person and The Saracen’s story still being told through Pilgrim. It is told in past and present tense, so you can tell when he’s telling a memory and when he is describing his present.
I Am Pilgrim is one of my favourites forever because aside from Pilgrim and The Saracen (the main dialogues), the other characters are fascinating, and they almost have their own spinoff cleverly disguised in the book.
There were so many points where I thought Pilgrim had failed, and I didn’t know where the story was turning, and other times when I just didn’t see anything coming at all. The last part of the book was excruciating, there was so much going on that I was reading faster and faster because of all the adrenaline!

Without giving away spoilers all I am going to say is I hope we will be seeing Pilgrim very, very soon…

If there is one Crime book I would reccomend to anyone it is, I Am Pilgrim. This book is purely indescribable!

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Well it’s John Malkovich, I mean, the man plays a perfect weirdo, and I’m excited about this new venture.

NBC have really been hitting it out of the park lately with some killer shows! This one looks really good too!

The show is set around the infamous cut throat pirate, Blackbeard, who had been rumoured to be dead until the English Army believed he hadn’t died and is set himself up on a secret island… The pilot revolves around this contraption that was one of the first navigation systems, where it tracked Latitude while at sea, which would mean that the English would revolutionise sea travel and render pirates extinct.Image So basically the English Government commission an English Secret agent, Tom Lowe, to pose as a physician on the ship the navigation system is on. He then gets taken to the secret island Blackbeard lives on, and his double mission is to destroy the system if Blackbeard had it and to kill him.

Now I know how much of a wonderful actor John is, but he is always hilarious to me, because he is so quirky! This role is no exception, he is meant to be serious, and he is definitely cut throat, but I found myself laughing a few times…



Aside from John being kind of John, it is a wonderful concept, and it can go a long way if they don’t go overboard on the complicated storyline and twists and turns, they can be great, but when they overcomplicate things like this, it can become too much work to watch, and that’s not what I want.

So I believe this series could really have something about it, and I hope they continue to bring to life, Blackbeard and his escapades on the Sea!

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The Night Shift: Episode 1




A bunch of hot, army doctors, freaking Gwaine from Merlin! This show is aimed at success.

Now I know what you’re thinking, yet another medical show! But this one has some serious potential, like seriously. It’s high paced, emotional, raw and the medical procedures they perform are realistic and they make you all uncomfortable, which is what makes good medical TV. The team they have is superb! From Gwaine to the hot bald guy who, (Spoiler alert) is gay, which makes for an interesting concept, as the army is notorious for not accepting homosexuals. ImageAnyway, this show deals with the political and legal side of all hospitals with the conflicting beliefs of the doctors who just want to save lives. It makes for great TV, and I really think that it can go a really long way. Let’s see where it goes!

And T.C, (Gwaine) is unbelievably smoking hot!

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Son of God



From the Independent work of a 10 Part Bible Series, to the big screens – Jesus Christ is coming back Baby!

We are both Christians so this movie was exciting for us. That and the only other Christ centred movie that is noteworthy is The Passion of The Christ, and who wants to relive that one? Not us…

What we loved the most about this version, is it showed the life of Jesus BEFORE He was crucified. We liked that it showed what He had done leading up to His death, but also explained, politically and culturally why He was put to death. Because unless you’ve read the book, you won’t really know. So it humanised Jesus a lot and that was a good thing as He was fully Human too, people just forgot that! ImageWe also loved the Disciples, I thought all of them did a really good job. The only thing we wished we saw explained was John the Baptist, when he died, Jesus was sad but it didn’t really explain that John was Jesus’ cousin, and John was his teacher that kind of paved the way for his ministry to begin and John Baptised him etc etc. I mean we knew that but secular audiences wouldn’t have…

Now to the crucifixion, that was brutal, as it’s kind of an emotional thing for Christians, but they depicted his death in a far less gruesome way than POTC, which I appreciated greatly. You saw the pain and the misery that riddled his mother, and that pain he went through while being hung there. It was an incredible moment and everyone was crying in the theatre. Image

Obviously with a story like Jesus’ there is no plot twists or surprises, but this movie was simply a beautiful rendition of a Glorious man who changed the world like He promised.

We give this movie: One Big Blessing!

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In Your Eyes




Anytime the Name ‘Joss Whedon’ appears anywhere, I will Watch, Read, Hear or Smell it. The man is my freaking Idol, and this movie does not disappoint!

So I stumbled across this masterpiece, kind of by accident, and I’m so glad I did! This film was released at the Tribeca Film Festival, and they have released it online for $5 (Website to watch the film is here). It’s a really clever distribution of the film, and it’s just so cool! Agh!

The story revolves around a soft spoken, Rebecca Porter, and an ex criminal, Dylan Kershaw. They have this unexplained, supernatural connection where they can hear, see, feel and smell everything the other one can.


Rebecca is married to this rich ‘douchey’ doctor in New Hampshire, while Dylan is on parole and living in a trailer in New Mexico. They find out who each other are and what they have and the movie basically goes through this really cute relationship they have together, and how they look like the craziest people on the planet because they are walking around talking to ‘themselves’. Dylan is a hottie hot hot, and Rebecca is so elegant, that it highlights how these two could not be more opposite, as they both live in two different climates, have two completely different lifestyles, but that doesn’t stop them.

I can’t really say much without giving anything away, basically it is such a cute love story (obviously they fall in love). And what I love is that Joss wrote this when he was 28 and just moving to LA, he kept it all this time just waiting for the perfect opportunity to make it. It is so original, so beautiful, and the ending is happy, without being corny. It’s left entirely open, but you’re okay with it because there’s this feeling the whole film where everything they’re doing is their special something, and we aren’t necessarily in it, but just around it.

ImageIt wouldn’t be a Joss film without some gold star worthy moments, for an artsy movie, about love etc, Joss slipped some hilarious scenarios in there that made me laugh out loud on several occasions!

Basically, In Your Eyes, is beautiful, heartbreaking, funny, quirky, and any other word you want really… Another star studded performance from the Cast, who had some of the best lines ever.

Joss, I rate this Movie: An absolute Miracle to behold!

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If you want to see the Trailer, click here.

What can we say, other than this movie was amazing!

‘Chef’ was written and directed by Jon Favreau (hats off to you dude!), who also starred as the lead role, Head Chef, Carl Casper (El Jefe). He was at the top of the Culinary world working in LA, but things took a turn for the worse when a famed food critic, Ramsey Michael sampled his out dated menu, and tore it to shreds. Desperate to bring flavour back into his cooking, Jefe goes back to where it all began, Miami  and opens up a food truck specialising in Cuban Sandwiches, Cubanos. With the help of his son, Percy and best friend Martin, they set off in the truck back to LA, stopping off to various places and experiencing cultural, authentic food.

ImageThis movie speaks about love, life and the pursuit of dreams. It’s heartwarming tale of father and son bonding, and helps the viewers feel they are just as much part of the story as they are. You travel with them, you see what they see and almost taste what they taste. Gentlemen, this movie isn’t as touchy feely as we are making it out to be, it is naturally hilarious, with quirky scenarios to make you chuckle. It is a story of real life, and very real people.

  The use of technology, made the movie relevant and added that spark of creativity with the way they conveyed it’s use. The colours were vibrant and illuminating and the music was uplifting, funky and completely appropriate to the themes, one stand out artist for us was Gary Clark Jr. check him out! The characters were exceptional, the camera angles were ‘well done’, and the whole experience left you feeling, hungry, but mostly inspired and uplifted.

We were so inspired, we not only made a midnight sandwich (recipe for which is coming), but it gave us a taste for adventure and the pursuit of dreams. We wanted to experience everything they encountered, from the food, to the people, and the culture we were exposed to. We so want this movie to be real life!

This movie is rated: 3 MICHELIN STARS (the highest award a Chef could receive).

Thank you Jon, this movie was a true testament to your commitment and talent to film making and story telling. This one is going in with the Greats!

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Bad Neighbours





What can I say, it was a roller coaster of turmoil. I will be explaining some scenarios etc. so if you don’t want to know, don’t read past this sentence (although I have to warn you, DON’T WATCH IT).

Okay, so now we have this movie. In all it’s unadulterated horror. I like Seth Rogen, I tolerate Zac Efron when he’s not in Hairspray, and I love Rose Byrne. I will admit, this movie sounded like a great concept, and don’t get me wrong, some of the things Rogen has done is hilarious! Pineapple Express, for instance – the best!

Now onto the train wreck. It started out quite slow, set up the family unit, the Radner’s – Mac, Kelly and Baby Stella. Really cute! Then douche-magee and the frat boys rock up. Actually I can’t be bothered going through this again. Basically, Zac Efron is a creepy, hot psychopath who wages war on his neighbours because he’s scared of his future. The Ragner’s can’t stand being old, and want to sleep, but can’t because the Frat party every night being really loud – blah! The war basically contains some funny bits, the airbag scene you see in the Trailer is the funniest part. The biggest problem I have with the entire movie, is they were doing REALLY dangerous stuff WITH A BABY INVOLVED. I was watching it with the most craziest unease Imagebecause it was a freaking baby! Then there was a bit where Efron had crazy eyes, where I legitimately thought it was turning into a horror murder movie. The ending was predictable and corny, and the movie was pointless. I laughed, but in no way did that make up for the cringefest that was going on…

 This movie went too far often, and the amount of funny stuff compared to the gross stuff and bad influences on the general population was not enough to warrant it a good time. This is a rant and I apologise but man, I hate when movie’s suck, especially when it cost me $17!!



 Actually my favourite thing in this movie was Dave Franco, he wasn’t an ass and I found his DiNero impression amazing!




This movie is rated: Similar experience to a screaming baby on a four hour flight. Painful and unsettling. You really only laugh to keep from crying.



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The Beginning of A Beautiful Blogship!

We are the Onlywhitekids and we are here to say – HELLO!

On this wonderful blog, we will be reviewing various things. Books, Albums, Movies, TV Episodes. While blogging about adventures and Shenanigans we will have along the way! I hope you enjoy, and I hope you get something out of our Madness!

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